How to Prepare Garden For Summer

The grass will always be greener with efforts and a little work!

No matter what’s the weather in your area, it’s time for you to start thinking about your garden and in what condition it is. You can start this off by assessing the lawnmower, leaf blower, string trimmer and other gear. Given below are a few tips on how you can get your property ready for a greener garden –

Check your string trimmer and mower

Start your string trimmer and gas mower. Make sure it’s running properly before you begin with the process. If you winterized the machine, you must know about its functioning. If you haven’t winterized the gear, don’t start the trimmer or mower. First, circulate all the stale fuel that could create problems, then drain all the lines. You must also remove the gasoline from each tank with the help of a turkey baster. Now, fill the tanks with a stabilizer and fresh fuel. Begin to test your tools. Tree trimming will also become easier with the right equipment. 

Test Your Soil

Soil testing is really important before you begin to transform your garden. There are many service organizations that do this for you. You can call them for soil testing. From tree trimming services Sacramento to soil testing services, everything is available. You’re the one who needs to decide what’s best for your garden. The results of soil testing will help you understand the nutrients and pH balance of the soil. If your garden soil has low pH, it means you must spread lime in it because it’s acidic. For highly alkaline soils, you must add elemental sulfur. This will help you during the spring rains as the soil will absorb when you’ve laid down. 

3. Clear Leaves and Debris

It’s always fine to the leaves where they fall because large dense swaths of yard debris usually block the sun from reaching the lawn that makes it difficult for the grass to sprout. If you’re not a leaf blower, you must clean up. Use all the collected leaves to make better compost. Mulch the fallen leaves with an attachment for the tractor or mower along with the mulching kit. Cleaning of the garden is required and it’s possible with the help of the right tools and equipment. Tree trimming is also a part of the garden cleaning. If there are any trees that are not trimmed or pruned, you’ll require them to be trimmed and this can be done with the help of tree trimming services in Sacramento. 

4. Apply Fertilizer

There are so many bags of fertilizers that are separated with hyphens and all these numbers refer to the ratio of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. The soil test will help you determine the nutrients that are lacking. For grass plantation, intend for the cooler and northern climates, put down one application of fertilizer in the spring season. You’d be delighted to know that bagged fertilizers are the best distributors that come with a spreader. You can either use a snap-on or a push model version that can easily attach you to the riding mower. 

5. Repair Walkways and Edging

Everyone knows that winter can be brutal on the walkways, pavers and driveways. Aside from the damage done by the plough, snow blowers, frost heave or the natural freeze and thaw cycle, you can split the knock and concrete stones out of the whack. Keep out the water and help keep that problem from worsening. Also, try to seal any new gaps with the concrete-crack filler. 

To summarize, you can prepare your garden for the summer very easily and keep your trees in shape with the tree trimming services available to you at your fingertips. 

Happy Gardening!

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